Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Collector's Edition, ゲームをダウンロード

Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Collector's Edition, ゲームをダウンロード

( 3.5 / 5 ) -

このゲームは英語版です。 Jason, the head of the Argonauts Agency, has been contacted by an ancient artifact collector. It turns out that just this morning the Golden Fleece was stolen from his storeroom and his niece is missing as well! Without wasting any time, the Argonauts Agency is on the case. Head the investigation team and help the Argonauts crack the case of the missing Golden Fleece! [435]

Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Collector's Edition:
  • 60 fun diverse levels
  • Earn trophies
  • Bonus Content – Concept Art and Music
  • Choose your level of difficulty

Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Collector's Edition のスクリーンショット Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Collector's Edition のスクリーンショット Argonauts Agency: Golden Fleece Collector's Edition のスクリーンショット


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