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Fairy Godmother Stories: Cinderella Collector's Edition
Even fairy godmothers have bad days…
このゲームは英語版です。Domini Games proudly presents a new spell-binding series in Fairy Godmother Stories: Cinderella! As her fairy Godmother, it’s up to you to guide and help Cinderella in times of need. But your whole world is turned upside down when you’re arrested under suspicion of committing a string of robberies! Someone’s definitely trying to frame you, but who and why? With nothing left behind at the crime scenes but strange glass slippers, can you crack the case and clear your name before it’s too late? Find out in this enchanting Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!
Royal Detective: The Last Charm Collector's Edition
In a world beneath your own…
このゲームは英語版です。Elephant Games presents the latest spell-binding mystery in the Royal Detective series! Your peaceful life as princess of your kingdom is interrupted when your daughter’s kidnapped and whisked away to a magical realm beneath your own! No one knows how this kingdom stayed hidden or why rocks are falling from the sky, but one thing’s certain – the townspeople blame you for their home’s destruction! Can you find out who’s really behind the chaotic crumbling of this world and return to your realm before it’s too late? Find out in this sensational Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!
Whispered Secrets: Dreadful Beauty Collector's Edition
This hospital’s not for healing…
このゲームは英語版です。Grandma Studios is back with the latest gripping installment of the Whispered Secrets series! When your friend’s new job turns into a nightmare, you rush to help her. But what you find is no mere hospital. A dark presence tracks your every move and someone’s trying to keep you trapped inside for good! Can you rescue your friend and escape the deadly halls of Acorn Hospital in time? Find out in this exhilarating Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!
Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 6 Collector's Edition
A hidden object vacation of a lifetime!
このゲームは英語版です。Casual Arts is back with a new vacation and they’ve included all the bells and whistles! Try Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 6 Collector’s Edition Reprise your role as Cruise Director and enjoy a sensational worldwide cruise of a lifetime aboard the fleet’s superb flagship, USS Liberty of the Waves. Explore Caribbean Islands on a fabulous Tall Ship, the SS Caribbean Queen and travel across Asia in the luxurious Pride of India Express Train. Arrange fabulous excursions all around the world while looking for hundreds of hidden objects. Play superb mini-games and earn merit badges for your achievements! Enjoy hours of truly captivating gameplay appropriate for families with kids of any age.
Mystery Tales: Art and Souls Collector's Edition
A father’s love knows no bounds…
このゲームは英語版です。Big Fish Editor's Choice! This title was selected for its exceptional quality and overwhelmingly positive reviews from our Game Club beta testers. Art comes to life in Domini Games’ latest addition to the Mystery Tales series! An old friend and her husband have opened an art gallery! Her husband claimed the success of their opening exhibition was the result of a magical brush. But what first seems like an exaggeration quickly takes a sinister turn when he goes missing! You rush to her aid, only for her to disappear as well! An old artist hasn’t quite finished his dark masterpiece, and only you can save your friends. Can you escape the Painted World in time, or will you become a permanent part of the exhibition? Find out in this spine-tingling Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!
Myths of the World: Under the Surface Collector's Edition
The legend of the lake lives!
このゲームは英語版です。Eipix Entertainment presents the latest magical installment of the Myths of the World series! You’re off to the Scottish Countryside! Your teacher is taking you on an exciting journey to investigate legends of an ancient creature living in the water. But your lesson is quickly interrupted when your boat is attacked by a shadow beneath the lake! What’s more, the surrounding countryside is plagued by disappearances and tales of a dangerous magic on the move. Can you find out the truth behind the stories and save the land before it’s too late? Find out in this exhilarating Hidden-Object Puzzle adventure!
スペラリウム 2
英語版タイトル:Spellarium 2 この世は炎、風、大地、水、暗闇、光の六つのエレメントから成り立っている。ところが神々が第七のエレメントが存在することを明らかにしたというのだ!君の使命は魔法使いエリックに協力しながらエレメントの神殿を築き、第七のエレメントを作り出すこと。マッチ 3、 アイテム探し、ソリティアに挑戦しながら神殿完成を目指そう。効率性“命”のエリックが発する辛口なコメントにも要注目!
英語版タイトル:Vermillion Watch: Order Zero Eipix Entertainment がお届けするスリリングなヴァーミリオン・ウォッチシリーズの続編が登場! 八十日世界旅行など数々の有名な作品を執筆したジュール・ヴェルヌをたたえる博物館から貴重なアーチファクトが次々と盗まれてしまった!さらなる被害におびえる博物館長に依頼を受け、古代エジプト像の除幕式の会場に主役である像を運ぶことになったウォッチのメンバー。果たしてスムーズに像を運び終えることはできるのか?新たに登場する謎の集団とタッグを組み、ロンドンを脅かす犯罪者たちを捕まえよう!
バケーションアドベンチャー:クルーズ・ディレクター 4
英語版タイトル:Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director 4 超豪華客船リバティ号のディレクターとして働くあなた。今回の寄港地はカリブ海、ヨーロッパ、中東、アジアなどの国々。寄港地にある有名な観光地や歴史的建築物を観てまわろう。アイテム探しやユニークなミニゲーム、宿泊客の忘れ物やゴミ拾いなどやることはたくさん!宿泊客が豪華客船で最高の時間を過ごせるかどうかはあなた次第!
英語版タイトル:Natural Threat: Ominous Shores 友人たちとクルージングを楽しんでいると突然の嵐がボートを襲った!ボートは転覆し乗客は全員海へと投げ出されて気を失ってしまった。次に気がついた時には小さな島に流れ着いていた。辺りには誰もいない。友人たちを探すべく立ち上がったあなたが目撃したものはこれまで目にしたこともない怪物のような植物の姿だった!人が居た形跡はあるもののすっかり荒れ果て奇妙な植物ばかりが生い茂っているこの島を探索して友人たちを見つけて助け出そう!